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Will I gain weight back if I stop drinking Amazing Coffee?Updated a year ago

Amazing Coffee is the best addition to a healthy lifestyle and is designed to improve mental cognition, curb cravings and help with weight management. It should be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

We have many customers that continue to drink their coffee even after hitting their weight loss goals, because they love how Amazing Coffee helps promote digestive health, fight bloating & junk food cravings, and boost energy!

If you're looking to cut back, we don't recommend that you stop drinking the coffee altogether. Instead, we recommend that you reduce your intake down to once a day or every other day to ensure you're maintaining all of the great work you've done!

If you do decide to stop using Amazing Coffee, we recommend keeping up a diet of whole, unprocessed foods. Additionally, we recommend at least 20 minutes of light exercise daily. Even just walking around the neighborhood is great!

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