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Amazing Creamer - Advice

Will I gain weight back and/or see my anti-aging results reverse if I stop having Amazing Creamer?

Amazing Creamer is the best addition to a healthy lifestyle and is designed to reduce wrinkles and curb cravings by helping you feel fuller longer. It should be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise. We have many customers that

Can I have my Amazing Creamer on an empty stomach?

You can absolutely have your Amazing Creamer on an empty stomach! In fact, we encourage it! A lot of customers have seen success with having a scoop in their morning cup of Amazing Coffee before breakfast, or even adding a scoop to their breakfast sm

Do I need to exercise & diet with Amazing Creamer?

While the amazing ingredients in Amazing Creamer will do a lot of the heavy lifting for you, you'll achieve the best and quickest results while using the creamer in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle. We recommend  7 or more hours of sleep per nigh

Why am I feeling sick/experiencing a reaction from the Amazing Creamer?

Since you're most likely introducing your body to new superfoods, it can take a little bit of time for your body to adjust. We have customers who have experienced nausea, brain fog or upset stomach while the body is flushing toxins and end up having

Why haven't I seen results with Amazing Creamer yet?

Not seeing results yet? Don't worry - everyone is different and it can take time for your body to adjust. Most customers report starting to see results in their 2nd month. In fact, our best anti-aging and weight loss stories are customers who have be

How can I enhance the flavor of my Amazing Creamer?

Not loving the flavor of your Amazing Creamer? Not to worry! For some people, it takes a little time to get used to because our coffee is packed with natural superfoods!. Check out the tips below. We think these will really help you out:. We encourag

When should I have my Amazing Creamer?

For best results with Amazing Creamer, we recommend 1-3 scoops per day. Many customers have seen success with having a scoop in their morning cup of Amazing Coffee or in their healthy breakfast smoothie. We also recommend having a scoop when you hit

When should I drink my Amazing Creamer?

For best results, we recommend 1-3 scoops of Amazing Creamer per day. A lot of customers have seen success with having a scoop in their morning coffee or adding a scoop to their healthy breakfast smoothie. Our creamer works especially great with our

How can I maximize my results with Amazing Creamer?

While everyone is a little bit different, most customers feel a brain boost and cravings reduced within hours of drinking Amazing Creamer! More dramatic results like smoother skin, reduced fine lines & wrinkles and weight loss typically occur in the